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In-Office Services 
-Tip now included 

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Therapeutic Massage

All of our Massage our custom to your needs, whether that's, relaxing or releasing pain and getting to the root cause! Each time getting just what you need. leave with tools and resource to continue on your healing Journey. 

Prenatal Massage

Session customized to your needs, whether that be for relaxation or pain relief. Can be done in side-lying position with pillows, or in our pregnancy pillow which allows you to lie face down.

A blend of CORE Fascial Release and therapeutic deep tissue massage. CORE is a style of sophisticated bodywork that looks to achieve a better sense of balance and ease of Movement in the body.

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If your scar still looks red or purple in color, if it's raised, or pulling inwards... If you have any numbness, pain, lack or limited range of motion, burning sensations, or sensations like tugging or pulling underneath the skin directly on or around your scar... this is for you!


Check out our scar massage page for more info!

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If you are in pain, it doesn't have to be that way! 

Find relief today! with intraoral Jaw work!



“I casually mentioned during a scheduled massage that I had a history of jaw pain and tightness that had recently worsened to the point that I couldn’t open my mouth to take a bite of a sandwich. During the massage, we did internal jaw work and then I was shown techniques on how to stretch and massage my jaw that were so helpful I haven’t had a return of those symptoms.” - Elizabeth

Travel Services

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We love the idea of moms being able to stay home instead of go out for more appointments.

The busyness of the world tells us to get back after having a baby, but we truly believe slowing down and cozying up Is the sweet medicine for the fourth trimester!


Let us come to you in the early days so you can receive positive touch. Whether your birth was like running a marathon and your body needs to recover or maybe you need some positive touch after a little bit of a traumatic birth.

Or just a moment to rejuvenate yourself.

We are here for you Mama!

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